It's a bit later this evening. I had to watch Smallville and Supernatural first. Today was a bit easier. I don't think I had cravings today. I smelled a cigarette burning today and I thought it smelled gross. It was a pretty mild day, although I think I was getting agitated with Grace, she was very clingy today and made a complete mess out of the livingroom. Picking up after Grace is like picking up after a tornado or earthquake. I didn't really get crazy with the other kids today. They pretty much did what they needed to do when they got home. I worked on my PSP X3 stuff today. I am trying really hard to get at least 100 photos done for my Momma and Mom-in-law. Hopefully I'll be done before Christmas lol, they were supposed to be Mothers Day Presents to go with their digital frames we got them... well I procrastinate what can I say.
We had a nice steak dinner today. I did yell about elbows on the table and watching the TV commericals while eating.. little stuff, yeah but with this no smoking thing going on, little things seem like a big deal to me right now. All in all it has been an okay day though and like I said I haven't had it in my head all day that I need a cigarette... YAY ME!!
sooooo just the commercials?...the way i read that is that it's ok to watch a tv "Show" while eatin dinner but damn it they better turn their heads away from the tv when a "Commercial" comes on??? yeah, you done lost it, But, it amuses me so that's ok lol